09 May 2019: Dr. Jana Thiel will be a panelist at TNW 2019

Based in Amsterdam, TNW -- The Next Web -- conference is one of the largest conferences in Europe, bringing together tech entrepreneurs, innovators, and other tech afficionados. Jana Thiel will be a discussant in the panel "Innovating with the free Kickbox open-source innovation system."

Based on our long-standing collaboration with the corporate entrepreneurship program at Swisscom and our involvement in the open source Kickbox program, driven by Swisscom, senior researcher Dr. Jana Thiel will be part of a panel called "Innovating with the free Kickbox open-source innovation system" at external page The Next Web conference in Amsterdam. May 9 & 10, 2019.

Host of the panel is Mark Randell, originator of the Kickbox program at Adobe, successful entrepreneurs and now engaged in bringing innovation to the classroom and to corporates. Jana joins David Hengartner (Swisscom) and Christina Senn-Jakobsen (Kickstart Accelerator) in  discussions of the experiences with Kickbox at their respective organizations.

At ETH, we have been experimenting with the use of Kickbox in our educational offerings since 2017. The concept serves successfully in the course Lean Startup Academy and we are also offering to interested students from all departments at ETH the opportunity to propose a business idea and get their own Kickbox to validate that idea (getkickbox.ethz.ch). 

We are currently working on adapting the concept to more technology-driven business case development and thus expanding the Kickbox concept also to other courses offered by the chair.


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