Course Impressions

Enlarged view: 22 February 2018 -- Kick-off am Swisscom Pirates Hub for 30 aspiring student entrepreneurs from different departments across the ETH campus.
22 February 2018 -- Kick-off am Swisscom Pirates Hub for 30 aspiring student entrepreneurs from different departments across the ETH campus.

This project-based and highly interactive course hosts typically between 25-30 students across different ETH Zürich departments who embark on an intense entrepreneurial journey.

This engaging hands-on program is led by David Hengartner (CEO of rready,. former head of Swisscom Pirates Hub, and external lecturer at ETHZ). 

The participating students were able to use Swisscom's Kickbox toolkit and its accompanying structured innovation process that heavily builds on the Lean Startup methodology. 

The Kickbox program pushes aspiring entrepreneurs to validate key assumptions of their idea and iterative through different prototype stages to collect market feedback toward a sustainable business model.

In addition, David and his team always make sure that several of the course sessions take place at different locations in the Zurich startup scene, where our students were able to meet experts and serial entrepreneurs.

There was no excuse to not make signifcant progress from idea to start-up...

Course Projects

Typically, students enter the course with or without concrete business ideas. Teams get formed around project leaders who come with a more or less developed business concept. The wide variety of starting ideas reflected the diversity in academic background at ETH. Ideas, for example, range from a noise level monitoring system for intensive care nurseries, to tech-enhanced cooking/kitchen applications, peer-to-peer car insurance, or e-learning concepts for novice piano players.

Project “champions” team up with motivated peers to work together on bringing realism to their concepts. During the semester, team members and invited experts challenged core project assumptions and probe the receptiveness of potential customers. These inputs then help the teams to refine their business model, especially pinpointing their target markets and value proposition.

By the end of the course, several teams had undergone substantial pivots. Most teams reach functional websites with demos of their MVP (Minimum Viable Product), and some even manage to test beta versions with their launch customers and secure funding for further development.

Enlarged view: 31 May 2018 - Jury of different experts from the Zurich startup ecosystem
31 May 2018 - Jury of different experts from the Zurich startup ecosystem

Course Outcomes

All projects pitch in front of a jury that feature experts from Swisscom, the ETH Chair of Entrepreneurship, and several startup support organisations such as VentureKick, Swiss Startup Factors, Cofoundme, STARTFELD, Impact Hub, Viable Labs or Kickstart Accelerator. Critical questions are asked about the viability of the idea and the market potential.  

Enlarged view: 31 May 2018 - Project DeciBaby winning the final pitch competition.
31 May 2018 - Project DeciBaby winning the final pitch competition.

The Lean Startup Academy takes place during spring term, led by Dave Hengartner.

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