Dr. Lien de Cuyper joins the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem Learning Journey in her role as WEF Fellow

Lien de Cuyper, post-doctoral researcher at the Chair and current Fellow of the WEF Global Future Council, will be joining the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem Learning Journey -- a series of workshops and interactions with key players from Europe's many local innovation ecosystems.

Through a series of workshops and interactions with key players from Europe's many local innovation ecosystems, Digital Europe seeks to develop and foster a Pan-European ecosystem by building bridges between founders, investors, incubators as well as public figures and corporate representatives - the Digital Leaders of Europe. 

The Learning Journey builds on the recommendations of Innovate Europe: Competing for external page Global Innovation Leadership. The purpose of the Israel Learning Journey is to deepen participants' understanding of what makes the Israeli innovation ecosystem so dynamic through interactions with Israeli government, founders and investors.

Update September 2019:
A summary report on key findings can be found here: external page https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/09/israel-start-up-nation-innovation

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