Welcome Nelson Phillips as Visiting Professor

The Chair of Entrepreneurship welcomes Prof. Nelson Phillips as a visiting professor for the academic year 2018/2019 at D-MTEC.

Prof. Phillips joins us as a visiting professor from Imperial College where he holds the Abu Dhabi Chamber Chair in Innovation and Strategy.

Professor Nelson Phillips' research interests lie in four main areas: (1) how to scale up new, high-growth ventures and how scaling up social enterprises differs from scaling up more traditional companies, (2) social dynamics of technology adoption, specifically the adoption of digital consumer devices, and the ramifications of these dynamics for technology, strategy, and innovation, (3) how institutions change and the implications of institutional change for organizations, and (4) qualitative research methods, notably discourse analysis, narrative analysis and other related linguistic methods in the study of organizations.

Prof. Phillips has published more than 100 academic articles and book chapters including articles in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Sloan Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, Organizational Research Methods and Organization Studies. 

More information about Professor Phillips: external page https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/n.phillips

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