Conference Presentations
Several members of the ENT team will present working papers at international conferences this summer.
Jana Thiel
Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL (USA)
- Boone S, Clarysse B, Andries P. Does Team Entrepreneurial Passion Reduce Relationship Conflict in New Venture Teams?
- Snihur Y, Clarysse B. Sowing the Seed of Failure: Organizational Identity Dynamics in New Venture Evolution
- Murray AM, Hallen BL, Kotha SB. Withholding signals of experience and expertise in resource acquisition efforts via crowdfunding
- Murray AM, Rhymer J, Sirmon D. Rethinking Interdependence and Coordination: Organizational Structure in Age of Distributed Ledger
- Kaehr Serra CN, Thiel J. Maintaining Morale during Organizational Change in the Growing Entrepreneurial Firm
Strategic Management Society, Paris, France
- Curnis C, De Cuyper L. Individual, Group and Organizational Identities: A Process Model of Cross-Level Linkages
- Van Boxtael A, Hacklin F, Gruber M, Clarysse B. Individual, Group and Organizational Identities: A Process Model of Cross-Level Linkages