ENT Chair promotes >>venture>> 2018 Startup Speed Dating

On 20 March 2018, the annual >>venture>> speed dating event takes place at ETH Zurich. Don't miss out on your chance to garner an internship or a thesis project with one of the participating start-ups.

Are you searching for opportunities to do a Master thesis, semester project, internship or work in a Swiss startup?

The external page >>venture>>2018 Startup Speed Dating event fits you!

Swiss startups from different industries (e.g., pharma, diversified finance, software, utilities, etc.) will present their business ideas in a 1-minute pitch, followed by rounds of speed dates. Don’t miss the chance to connect with the startup world!

Click external page here for info & registrations.

The Chair of Entrepreneurship is a long-term supporter of the >>venture>> business plan competition. 


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