Technology Entrepreneurship
Signing up for this course
Registration: via myStudies with course identifyer 363-0790-00L
The course is open to all ETH students. There are no prerequisites and no restrictions in student numbers. For general course information please visit the course catalogue.
This course provides theory-grounded knowledge and practice-driven skills for founding, financing, and growing technology ventures. A critical understanding of dos and don'ts is provided through highlighting and discussing real-life examples and cases.
Course director & lecturer: PD Dr. Fredrik Hacklin
Teaching Assistant:
Course goals
Technology ventures are significantly changing the global economic picture. Technological skills increasingly need to be complemented by entrepreneurial understanding. Technology Entrepreneurship offers the fundamentals in theory and practice of entrepreneurship in new technology ventures. Main topics covered are success factors in the creation of new firms, including founding, financing and growing a venture.
Learning Material
See Moodle page for class slides, readings, and materials.
Time: every Tuesday, 18:15 - 20:00
Location: Hybrid (some lectures are held on campus, others online via Zoom) - all lectures are recorded.
Language: English
Format: Each week, a different guest lecturer will provide a testimonial about their field of expertise within tech entrepreneurship.
Students receive 2 credit points [ECTS] by successfully passing the assessment.
Graded semester performance, multiple-choice exam
Note, in this course you will need to prepare and participate in case study discussions and exercises.