Presentations and talks
Dr. Fredrik Hacklin
- F. Hacklin (2015). Managing innovation in an age of industry convergence. external page The Boston Consulting Group, October 1, 2015.
- F. Hacklin, J. Schmidt, N. Stieglitz and R. Tee (2015). Industry convergence: drivers, mechanisms and consequences. Presenter symposium, external page Academy of Management external page 75th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.
- F. Hacklin and R. Tee (2015). Who benefits from industry convergence? How technology pace affects competition in a new industry. external page Academy of Management external page 75th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.
- F. Hacklin, N. Stieglitz and R. Tee (2015). Industry convergence: drivers, mechanisms and consequences. PDW symposium, external page DRUID conference, Rome, Italy, June 15-17, 2015.
- F. Hacklin (2015). Forget your industry: Managing innovation in an age of convergence. Chalmers University of Technology, external page Department of Technology Management and Economics, January 29, 2015.
- F. Hacklin (2014). Managing convergence of industries: strategic choices in building the business models of tomorrow, external page Cognizant business seminar, Zurich/London, October 31, 2014.
- E. Puricel and F. Hacklin (2014). Coordinating the uncoordinated: A theory of institutionalizing hidden and tacit business creation in the established firm, external page 34th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Madrid, September 20-23, 2014.
- F. Hacklin (2014). Von Start-ups und Jungunternehmern: Wie die ETH Unternehmer von morgen inspiriert. ETH Informationsanlass Studienberater-/Lehrerprogramm, Zurich, September 4, 2014.
- E. Aksüyek, D. Ardila, B. Battistini, F. Hacklin, and S. Häfliger (2014). The vocabulary structure of Management Science: The power of words. external page Academy of Management, external page 74th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, August 1-5, 2014.
- F. Hacklin, L. Massa (2014). Industry convergence: implications for management research. external page Workshop on "Technology, Strategy, and Business Models", Cass Business School, City University, London, England, June 10-11, 2014.
- F. Hacklin (2013). Consulting, literally. Panel discussion moderator, AMIV Kontakt recruiting fair, ETH Zürich, October 2013.
- F. Hacklin (2013). Service for convergence: new imperatives for managing innovation in established firms, external page Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), Valencia, Spain, July 9-11, 2013.
- E. Aksüyek, F. Hacklin, and I. Sidhu (2013). Fool them once, or fool them twice? The role of the business model in sustaining disruptive innovation, external page Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), Valencia, Spain, July 9-11, 2013.
- D. Frodsham and F. Hacklin (2013). On corporate venturing. Talk, external page CEO Collaborative Forum, Open Day Zurich, July, 2013.
- F. Hacklin (2013). Innovation convergence for leaders of tomorrow. Keynote, external page 22nd International Management Conclave, external page Indore Management Association (IMA), Indore, India, January 2013.
- F. Hacklin (2013). Management in a convergent world. Invited speech, external page Nadathur S. Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, external page Indian Institute of Management (IIM), and external page Swissnex India, Bangalore, India, January 2013.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Management of convergence in innovation. external page Moscow International Forum for Innovative Development, "Open Innovations" / Московского международного форума инновационного развития "Открытые инновации", panel discussion, "The role of technology convergence in innovative development", Moscow, Russia, November 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Consulting - pride or prejudice? Panel discussion moderator, AMIV Kontakt recruiting fair, ETH Zürich, October 2012.
- B. Battistini, F. Hacklin, P. Baschera (2012). Rediscovering corporate venturing: insights from a survey, external page 32nd Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Prague, October 6-9, 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Convergence in innovation. Keynote address, CEO roundtable, external page Swiss Business Hub India Roadshow on "Growth through Innovation in Transformed Europe - Focus on High-tech Niches in Manufacturing, ICT and Renewable Energy Sectors", New Delhi, India, September 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Convergence in innovation. Keynote address, CEO roundtable, external page Swiss Business Hub India Roadshow on "Growth through Innovation in Transformed Europe - Focus on High-tech Niches in Manufacturing, ICT and Renewable Energy Sectors", Calcutta, India, September 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Convergence in innovation. Keynote address, CEO roundtable, external page Swiss Business Hub India Roadshow on "Growth through Innovation in Transformed Europe - Focus on High-tech Niches in Manufacturing, ICT and Renewable Energy Sectors", Mumbai, India, September 2012.
- F. Hacklin, M. Wallin (2012). Innovation management in a convergent world: A call for research on the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge. external page Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Knowledge Industries”, Valencia, Spain, July 10-12, 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Introduction to Marketing: background, trends, and marketing-mania . Impulsreferat, external page Praxisrelevante Marketing-Trends für KMU, Universität Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, June 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). external page Management of convergence in innovation. Invited lecture, external page Keio University, external page Graduate School of System Design and Management, Yokohama, Japan, April 2012.
- F. Hacklin, M. Wallin, E. Aksüyek, G. von Krogh (2012). Disentangling individual heterogeneity: How teams of scientists integrate unrelated knowledge . PhD seminar, external page Keio University, external page Graduate School of System Design and Management, Yokohama, Japan, April 2012.
- F. Hacklin, M. Wallin, E. Aksüyek, G. von Krogh (2012). Disentangling individual heterogeneity: How teams of scientists integrate unrelated knowledge . Business Engineering Lab seminar, external page Keio University, external page Graduate School of System Design and Management, Yokohama, Japan, April 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Convergence in innovation. Keynote address, CEO roundtable, external page Swiss Business Hub India Roadshow on "Driving Growth through Innovation in Transformed Europe – Focus on High-tech Niches in Manufacturing, Renewable Energy and IT Sectors", Bangalore, India, March 2012.
- F. Hacklin (2012). Convergence in innovation. Keynote address, CEO roundtable, external page Swiss Business Hub India Roadshow on "Driving Growth through Innovation in Transformed Europe – Focus on High-tech Niches in Manufacturing, Renewable Energy and IT Sectors", Chennai, India, March 2012.
- D. Klang and F. Hacklin (2011). Co-development of business model and product market strategy in turbulent environments, external page 31st Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Miami, USA, November 6-9, 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Learning: Networks and Architectures. Session chair, track 1, Knowledge and innovation, external page 31st Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Miami, USA, November 6-9, 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Consulting - easy cash or serious work? Panel discussion moderator, AMIV Kontakt recruiting fair, ETH Zürich, October 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Strategic entrepreneurship: how can established organizations innovate like garage firms? Eufex sijoitusakatemia, Kongresshaus Zürich, Switzerland, September 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Building and managing absorptive capacity. Session chair, track "Absorptive capacity", TIM division, external page Academy of Management, external page 71st Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, August, 12-16, 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Kollision oder Konvergenz? Wenn Wissen und Technologien zusammenfliessen. Alcatel-Lucent Lectures, external page Universität Stuttgart, Germany, May 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2011). Strategic entrepreneurship: trends of organizational renewal from within and beyond. external page Endress+Hauser, "Methods of innovation" symposium, Weil am Rhein, Germany, March 2011.
- F. Hacklin (2010). From collision to convergence: rethinking innovation beyond industry boundaries. Technia PLM Innovation Forum, Break-Out Sessions for Telecom and Electronics, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2010.
- F. Hacklin, M. Wallin, G. von Krogh (2010). Exploring the micro-foundations of tacit and explicit knowledge integration. external page 30th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy, September 12-15, 2010.
- F. Hacklin (2010). Knowledge sharing and integration. Session chair, track 1, Knowledge and innovation, external page 30th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy, September 12-15, 2010.
- F. Hacklin (2010). When the industry isn't yours anymore: technological convergence and implications for managing knowledge. external page "Management and Innovation" Symposium, external page University Consortium Pori / Tampere University of Technology, Finland, September 2010.
- F. Hacklin (2010). Convergence and innovation: the conflict of organizational perspective. 26th EGOS Colloquium, external page European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal, June 28–July 3, 2010.
- F. Hacklin, M. W. Wallin, G. von Krogh (2010). Exploring the micro-foundations of tacit and explicit knowledge integration: A measurement model. external page Knowledge in Organizations Conference at Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, May 30-June 3, 2010.
- F. Hacklin, D. Klang (2010). Innovating business models for convergence: appropriating value at blurring industry boundaries. external page European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, May 19-22, 2010.
- F. Hacklin (2010). Convergence & entrepreneurship: Auf der Suche nach industrieübergreifenden Geschäftsmodellen. Baden-Württemberg:Connected (bwcon), Venture Capital Roundtable, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, April 2010.
- F. Hacklin (2010). Capturing the blurring boundary: a management perspective on convergence in ICT. external page Wireless@KTH, Seminar Series, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), external page School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Stockholm, March 2010.
- F. Hacklin, P. Baschera (2009). Entrepreneurship research and education: bridging theory and practice. Global Venture Lab Network, Inaugural meeting, UC Berkeley, external page Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (CET), November 2009.
- F. Hacklin (2009). Innovation in der konvergenten Ökonomie. external page Stiftungsfeier, Forschungspreis Technische Kommunikation, external page Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung, Stuttgart, Oktober 2009.
- F. Hacklin (2009). Capturing the blurring boundary: how convergence changes the rules for innovating an industry. Network society workshop, external page Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), May 2009.
- F. Hacklin (2008). Management of convergence in innovation: strategic implications and guidelines. Converging technologies workshop, Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Copenhagen, October 2008.
- F. Hacklin (2008). Management of convergence in innovation: an introduction. Converging technologies workshop, external page Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Helsinki, Finland, September 2008.
- F. Hacklin (2006). Managing convergence in innovation: presentation of research project. SCANCOR seminar on organizational research, external page Stanford University, March 2006.
- F. Hacklin, N. Adamsson, C. Marxt, M. Norell (2005). Design for convergence: managing technological partnerships and competencies across and within industries. 15th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'05), external page Design Society, Melbourne, Australia, August 2005.
- F. Hacklin, M. Inganäs, A. Plüss, C. Marxt (2005). Knowledge management in design collaboration processes: toward a rationale for enabling disruptive innovation. 15th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'05), external page Design Society, Melbourne, Australia, August 2005.
- F. Hacklin, C. Marxt, M. Inganäs (2005). Technology acquisition through convergence: the role of dynamic capabilities. 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), Vienna, Austria, May 2005.
- F. Hacklin, M. Inganäs, C. Marxt, A. Plüss (2005). Current trends and strategic approaches in innovation-oriented knowledge management: insights from a cross-case analysis. 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), Vienna, Austria, May 2005.
- M. Inganäs, F. Hacklin, C. Marxt, A. Plüss (2005). Assessing practices in innovation-oriented knowledge management: a process-based approach. 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), Vienna, Austria, May 2005.
- F. Hacklin, V. Raurich, C. Marxt (2004). How incremental innovation becomes disruptive: the case of technology convergence. IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, IEEE Engineering Management Society (EMS), Singapore, October 2004.
- F. Hacklin, C. Marxt (2004). Decision support for strategic partner selection in collaborative design and innovation. external page Design 2004, 8th International Design Conference, external page Design Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2004.
- F. Hacklin, C. Marxt, F. Fahrni (2004). Technology partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: a decision support system based approach. external page 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria, February 2004.
- F. Hacklin (2003). Convergence implications on strategy: the innovator’s dilemma in ICT. external page Nokia AG, country management board, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2003.
- F. Hacklin, C. Marxt (2003). Assessing R&D management strategies for wireless applications in a converging environment. external page The R&D Management Conference 2003 (RADMA), Manchester, England, July 2003.
- A. Backholm, F. Hacklin (2002). Estimating the 3G convergence effect on the future role of application-layer mobile middleware solutions: scenarios and strategies for business application providers in 3G and beyond. 2002 International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond (3Gwireless'02), external page World Wireless Congress, San Francisco, USA, May 2002.